Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love is...

What does Valentine's Day mean to you?

Here is what I think of:

being married to my best friend
twitterpated (sp? :)
flowers (my favorite is the daisy)
chocolate (sorry, nat!)
another excuse for a school party
excuse for a weekend getaway (good luck with that one!)
candy that tastes like chalk
a good excuse to slow dance
artichokes and bacon

I have always loved Valentine's Day. Always. If you don't believe me, ask my parents. They would dread the day after Christmas because I would usually have a countdown calendar already made. And I would remind them every day how many days left till my B-day. I did this even after I got married. Silly, I know. My husband dreads the day I get out my Valentine's purse (it's so cute, red with hearts all over it).
I still love Valentine's Day. What's not to love? (hehehe, I had to put that in!)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope it will be as romantic and lovely as mine will be!